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Contoh Soal Brochure Text Dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Brochure Text Dan Jawabannya

Contoh 10 soal essay text brochure?

1. Contoh 10 soal essay text brochure?

What's the pupose of the text?
What is the main information of the text?
What will gonna do to get more information?
Where ia the location of the company?
Who is the head of the company?
Why we get discount? (for mall brochure)
How we can get there from (any places) ? (for brochure that show a map)
When the restaurant open? (restaurant brochure)
What is the cheapest menu of there?

2. buatlah 10 soal essay text brochure?

The following text is for questions 1 and 2.

Grade XII students who need
the polytechnic admission form should pay:
Rp 125,000.00 for 2 choices
Rp 160,000.00 for 3 choices
The forms are available from 6-16 July 2010
Time 08.00-14.00
Contact Person : Tarjo. Phone (0220 2011975)
1. What is the purpose of the text?

3. text organization brochure

artinya text organisasi brosur

4. characteristic of brochure text

the text are real
the picture is real

5. contoh gambar dari brochure, leaflet, banner, dan pamflet dalam bahasa inggris

1. Brochure
2. Leaflet
3. Banner
4. Pamphlet

6. contoh gambar pamphlet,brochure dan poster beserta pengertiannya

Pamphlet: An unbound printed work, usually with a paper cover.
A short essay or treatise, usually on a current topic, published without a binding.

Brochure: A small booklet or pamphlet, often containing promotional material or product information.

Poster: A large, usually printed placard, bill, or announcement, often illustrated, that is posted to advertise or publicize something. :)

ps. itu gambarnya berurutan ya, dari pamphlet, brochure, poster

7. soal brochure dengan jawaban

Answer the questions bellow!

1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. to tell us about Bandung
B. to advertise a hotel in Bandung
C. to describe a world class private hotel
D. to describe hotels in bandung in general
E. to tell us about where to visit in Bandung.

2. What makes Intan Hotel the best choice for business travelers?
A. its price
B. its ideal location
C. its facilities
D. its service
E. its cuisine
3. “Our blend of prompt efficiency and personalized service will surely win you over.”
The antonym of the underlined word is…
A. run
B. low
C. quick
D. slow
E. high

4. “Our blend of prompt efficiency and personalized service will surely win you over.”
The synonym of the underlined word is…
A. run
B. low
C. quick
D. slow
E. high
5. Which one is TRUE!
A. Call Intan Hotel at (022)20354447 to make reservation
B. Its price makes this hotel is top choice for business travelers
C. This hotel’s name is Bandung Most Convenient Hotel
D. To make reservation we can visit at www.intan.com
E. We can’t make reservation at (022)20354448 or at www.intan.com

Kunci Jawaban

1. B. to advertise a hotel in Bandung
2. B. its ideal location
3. D. slow
4. C. quick
5. D. To make reservation we can visit at 

8. Buatlah sebuah contoh brochure bahasa inggris !


Do you wat to spend your holiday? but, are you confuse where will you visit?

Let’s join and come with us in Fun Holidays.

Here, you can choose what kind of holidays that you want.

Like climbing, swimming, snorkling , sun bathing etc.

For more information, please call 7654-985.

Happy Holiday!


brosur kan?

9. kak, tolong dong carikan contoh gambar leaflet & brochure


ini leaflet

ini brosur

10. soal tentang brochure

what is the text abaut ?
maaf ya klo salah..

11. arti,fungsi,contoh dari kata banner,leaflet,brochure

Arti = Banner ; Spanduk,, Leaflet ; Surat edaran,, Brochure ; Brosur

Fungsi = Banner ; Dapat mempengaruhi citra pdoduk ( can affect the image of the product),, Leaflet ; Memperluas promosi pada produk ( expand product promotion),, Brochure ; Mempromosikan produk ( promote products)

Contoh = Banner ; Hari lingkungan hidup sedunia ( world environment day),, Brochure ; Produk terbaru Makanan sehat untuk bayi ( The latest product of healthy foods for babies),, Leaflet ; Salon kecantikan Shifa, promo 10% bagi 100 pelanggan pertama ( beauty salon promotion 10% for 100 costumer first)

12. cari contoh brochure dengan pertanyaan dan jawaban?

Padang Restaurant

Come visit our Padang Restaurant.

You will get a taste of a truly different than other desert restaurant. Do not believe? Let’s prove it by coming in our restaurant today. You will get 50% discounts directly.

Find us on 15 Soekarno Street, Jakarta

1. what the name of the restaurant ? the name of restaurant is padang restaurant

2. where the address of the restaurant ? the address of the restaurant is 15 soekarno street,jakarta

3. how much discount will be found?discount will be found is 50 persenndijual mobil mewah hebat..
berminat hub..

13. Contoh soal brochure pilihan ganda. Tlg bntu ya

misalnya brosurnya itu tentang apartment
1.what does the apaertment provide?
2. what is the text about?

14. contoh soal dalam bentuk pilihan ganda tentang materi brochure

hoaryu maynem is almira
ambelk is yumem k
bey sikmay

15. jelaskan apa yang di maksud brochure text?​


Brochure is a single set of paper to give information, to promote or to advertise something.

Brosur adalah lembaran tipis untuk memberikan informasi, untuk mempromosikan atau untuk mengiklankan sesuatu.

Ciri-ciri sebuah brosur :

Menggunakan headlines, terdiri atas kalimat-kalimat yang pendek dan sederhana.

Menggunakan jenis dan ukuran huruf yang mudah dibaca.

Meyakinkan pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu atau membeli produk tertentu.

Menjelaskan sisi baik sebuah produk.

Mencantumkan alamat atau orang yang dapat dihubungi dengan jelas.


#Semoga bisa ngebantu babe♥(・´ะท`・)#

Brochure Text adalah Tulisan Text yang Tipis dan Tidak Menggunakan Gaya Gaya Huruf , Warnya Juga Putih .

maaf kalo salah.hanya sekedar membantu :)

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